Step 1: CerTra Syndrome 101
You’ve made it through the diagnostic odyssey. Now it’s time to understand the basics of CerTra Syndrome. Knowledge of CerTra is the first step in illuminating a cure!
Click here to learn about CerTra Syndrome.
Step 2: Join Us in Illuminating a Cure
Take 3 minutes to register with Lottie’s Light Foundation.
This will give you access to Lottie’s Light Foundation research updates, information about activities and announcements on ways to get involved, when you’re ready.
If you are a parent or caregiver of a child with CerTra Syndrome, we will subscribe you to our newsletter.
Step 3: Connect with Us
Let us know you are here and how we can best support you.
Our co-founders would love to connect with you to hear your story and to introduce you to other families in our global Facebook group.
Step 4: Explore Resources for Families
We’ve put together a list of helpful organizations with resources to support rare disease families. Also included on the list are podcasts that we have found to be valuable.
Click here to explore the list
Step 5: Share Your Story
Your story is a source of healing and connection for our CerTra community. Consider sharing your story to be a light for CerTra Syndrome.